Creating business opportunities through partnerships, education and human, social & intellectual capital.

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    As your strategic partners, we are here to guide you through all the steps necessary to start and manage your business. Whether it’s starting a new venture or formulating sound partnerships, Endeavour is the catalyst for propelling your company to exponential potential. Our aim is to empower entrepreneurs with the resources, tools and community necessary for success.

    Start Up Screening

    + Ideation

    + Business Alignment

    + Viability & Feasibility

    + Viability

    Business Support Essentials

    + Business Planning

    + Strategic Planning

    + Financial Planning

    + Marketing Planning

    + Sustainability Planning

    Scale & Accelerate

    + Business Development

    + Skill & Resource Distribution

    + Connections & Partnership

    + Preparation & Readiness

    + Engagement

    Collaboration & Partnership

    + Strategic Partnership

    + Stakeholder Partnership

    + Investment Partnership

    + Managing Skill-Set

    + Shared Liability

    + Agreements

    Mentorship & Guidance

    + Mentorship Alignment

    + Business Coaching

    + Life Coaching

    + Financial Preparedness

    + Social & Economic Responsibility

    + Consumer Pitch Preparation

    + Legal

    Capital Injection

    + Seed Capital

    + Investment

    + Funding

    + Tangible Contributions

    + Intangible Assets

    Marketing & Branding

    + Brand Conceptualization

    + Brand Visibility

    + Campaign Development

    + Social Media Plan

    + Marketing Assets

    Business Launch

    + Test & Planning

    + Event Planning

    + Campaign Launch

    + Success Measurement Indicator

    Support & Sustainability

    + Business Support

    + Marketing Support

    + Longevity Support Alignment

    + Investment

    have an idea & want to start a business?

    Do you have a business idea and would like to know how to get support for your start-up?

    looking for a business partner?

    We empower entrepreneurs by leveraging your intellectual capital while we provide financial capital.